Below, learn about Aimee’s pedagogy and examples of her original workshops. For an updated list of forthcoming workshops hosted at various institutions (most offered online), such as Grubstreet, Catapult and Hugo House, please visit the CALENDAR. OR contact me to design a workshop for you or your organization!
Arts Education Pedagogy
Aimee specializes in writing from the body and social action writing themes. In her workshops, she can offer the tools for crafting poems, short stories, and writing for performance.
Aimee’s workshops are founded on the belief that writing comes from the body, and participants are asked to become grounded in their bodies and senses before putting pen to paper. Activities to prepare the writer to create, and to prepare the performer to stage his or her work, are derived from theater, dance, and visual art forms. With the understanding that a writer never works truly in isolation, but rather can be inspired by other people and art forms, participants engage in collaborative writing, feedback and performance while crafting their individual work.
Aimee specializes in encouraging emerging writers to express themselves on the page and on the stage, so there is an emphasis in sharing newly-generated text. Short visits culminate in sharing of the work generated during the 1.5-3 hours; a workshop series of 4-8 weeks culminates in a final performance and optionally, a chapbook or other printed format for the work.
An experienced instructor with all ages from middle school to adult, and a professor at several college institutions, Aimee can offer workshops and lectures to support existing curriculum. Workshop series and one-time visits may be tailored by the theme and content to meet the needs of your students, organization, or group. One-on-one coaching for writing, revision, and performance are also available.
Some organizations, institutions and individuals I’ve offered these services to or been invited/ in residency with in the past: The Loft Literary Center, Whitman College (Instant Plays Festival), A Room of Her Own Foundation, Utah Arts Festival and University of Minnesota, Skyline College, University of Miami, Salem College Center for Women Writers, Kearny Street Workshop, Fresno City College, University of Georgia, Charis Books (Atlanta, GA), Scuppernong Books (Greensboro, NC), Bridgewater College, Seattle University, AWP Association of Writers and Writing Programs, and many more.
The following are samples of successful workshops Aimee has developed and led. Please inquire about how to bring Aimee to your classroom, group, or event!
In This Skin
How can we generate writing not from our minds, but from our bodies? This writing and performance workshop will allow you to explore how to begin with the body, as well as address attitudes about the body. Learn about and develop gesture and text through guided writing, theater and movement exercises and create a short piece to share at the end of the workshop.
Poetry for Social Action
What is poetry for social action? How can we write to break silence, bear witness, and make positive social change in response to current issues and events? We will discuss the work by poets of diverse backgrounds who “challenge the canon” and forge the path for other writers. Tools for writing poetry, creative nonfiction and fiction works with social action themes will be introduced and practiced.
Writing to Remember
In this workshop, we will use creative writing exercises and theater-derived activities to dislodge the stories in our memories and our bodies. Oral history, culture as passed through generations, and various types of storytelling and recording will be explored, including poetry, journaling, memoir and performance.
making soul: a writing & performance workshop
a writing and performance workshop for adults of all ages (17 to 77+) exploring histories, language, identity, and our visions in a changing world. Course includes guided writing exercises, theatre games, collaboration, and revision.
“Aimee is a performer… I mean that she brings her authenticity and connection as a performer with her even as she is transferring that knowledge and experience to her students. Always embodying her art – I think this is what makes her a strong, vibrant instructor.”
“My skills in writing and performing changed for the best. I have more confidence in myself as a writer and performer; and the warm up exercises in particular were great because they helped me relax and get focused both during the workshop sessions and final performance.”
“Aimee brings her authenticity and connection as a performer as she is transferring that knowledge and experience to her students. Always embodying her art – I think this is what makes her a strong, vibrant instructor.”